Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Appliance Blues

Hi everyone, I didn't have to work today so I decided to do some laundry. I did the first load and put it in the dryer. When I went downstairs to do the second load I opened the dryer and noticed the clothes were still wet. I thought I hadn't turned on the dryer. So, I put another load in the washer and turned the dryer on and went back upstairs. I waited until the load was finished and went back down to the basement. I opened the dryer and the stupid clothes were still wet. I was so mad. I turned the dryer on and stood there for about 5 minutes. I opened the dryer and it was warm so I thought well maybe it decided to work now. I closed the dryer and turned it back on. I waited about ten more minutes and opened it up again. The clothes were as wet as they were when I put them in there and the air was cold. I took the clothes out and hung them up in the basement. I had already washed another load while this one was supposed to dry, so, I took that load out of the washer and hung that load up also. I continued washing clothes until I ran out of room in the basement to hang clothes. I got 5 loads washed and hung in the basement. I had to stop because I have no where else to hang clean wet clothes. The bad thing is that with the basement as cold as it is, it will take a long time for the clothes to dry. And, that certainly wasn't today.
I came upstairs and started cleaning my bedroom. I have the appliance blues.!!

My dryer got tired and quit working for me.
Da da da da da
I have the appliance blues.
It worked last week but not today,
Da da da da da
I have the appliance blues.
It has been a good worker for many years now
And decided it was too tired to continue some how
I have to find a nice man to carry it out.
Now I have the appliance blues.
Da da da da da.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Hi everyone, I am just chilling out today, not much planned. Cheryl is at her dad's house so I am sitting with Ryan. He is playing with friends so I am just relaxing and doing what I want to do. This is geat! He decorated his pinewood derby car this morning and now is playing upstairs.

Just wanted to mention that I have a facebook account for those that didn't know it. I like it because I can read everything going on with all the friends I have and all the friends my friends have. It is pretty neat. My girls both have accounts on facebook too.

Well, Ryan just came downstairs and asked me to get off of the labtop so he can play games with his friend on Club Penguin. His friend is on his computer in his room. He plans on taking the lap top up to his room and playing against her, funny huh!

I better get going, Love you all,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Hello everyone, sorry about the long time off the blog. I have a hard time managing my time when I work this much to set apart time to write.

I have decided to start eating correctly. It isn't easy because I really love my junk. I have been eating somewhat correctly for about 2 weeks. I think I can do this. Well, actually at my weight I HAVE to eat right. I am so unhealthy it is ridiculous. The crime about this is, I like food that is good for me. Well, as long as I can have my M&M's and ice cream too. I am going to give it a shot. Please pray with me that I stick to it this time. I get started and do well for a while and then I fall off the wagon and hit my big fat head. I start eating terribly again. Yesterday I played the Wii and got some exercise. That felt great. I just hope that I can keep that up also. I know it won't be everyday but any exercise is more then I got before. Please, please, pray that God gives me the sense to know how important this is for my health and the strength to continue.

How is everyone? I am about to go read some blogs to catch up a little bit with your lives. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Hi everyone, I started my second, second job and I am tired. I work every week night now. I started about 2 weeks ago and I am beat. I usually come home, take off my clothes, eat something and sit on the bed until I fall asleep. The way I am talking you would think that I work about 10 hours a day. I don't work that long but my body thinks I do. I am not use to it yet. And dragging around this _ _ _ lb body around doesn't make it any easier. I am sitting here at the computer eating a burrito the size of my head and I wonder why I am so big, HELLO!!!
I work until 5:00 or 5:30 most nights but when my cooking class prepares a dinner for the parents I work until 8:30 or 9:00. Those are the nights that kill me. We worked until 8:45 pm this past Tuesday night. The good news is that I ate dinner there and didn't have to cook when I got home. I dragged all day on Weds. Tonight wasn't bad I got off at 5:15. I could have worked longer but I chose to leave at 5:15, I am a slacker. Then I went to Chipotle and got the world's largest burrito. I have a feeling that Chipotle will become my home away from home. It just opened today 3 blocks from my house. I love this burrito. Yes, I'm pretty sure that I will keep them in business.

Does anyone watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition? Well, try to watch it this Sunday night because the home is in Cincinnati, in West Chester. I keep meaning to drive by there but I haven't yet. They say that the family is really sweet. The girls have a disease that keeps them in a wheel chair, I think it is both girls, maybe just one of them. Both girls have the disease but maybe one is in a wheel chair. Well, watch it and you will find out. I love to watch that show.
This Sunday, in this area anyway, maybe not in Norwalk, they are going to have a special showing of behind the scene never shown parts of the show starting an hour early, at 7:00pm.

There has to be someone else in this apartment. I bet every time I walk out of the room they take a bite of my burrito. It is almost gone and I know I didn't eat all of it. Ok, maybe I did.

Well, we have gotten about 650 free and reduced applications entered into the computer at work. I have probably entered about 600 of them myself. My boss doesn't have much time to help me. She has other things to attend to. I will be very happy when they are all entered!

Oh, I think I must have eaten that burrito by myself, I am sick and have a stomach ache. I feel like I am going to toss this burrito not my cookies. Oh, I am sick. I can't believe I ate the whole thing.

I will write later. Love you all!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I had a blast at the zoo!! The weather was great and the kids were very good except when we lost one, twice. Oh don't worry, although we felt like leaving her there, we didn't. We found her. The best part of the zoo was Sonya getting attacked by birds. They landed on her head and then on her shoulder. The look on her face was priceless. These birds are inside a huge walk in cage free to fly all throughout the cage. We bought some nectar to feed to the birds and we found out the hard way that it DOES attract the birds!!!! She tried to be brave but she just couldn't stand it. I laughed so hard. Also, one bird bit her. I thought she was going to kill that bird. She was DONE after that, she wanted to get out of that cage. I didn't love the birds landing on me either but I did ok. Their claws can hurt when they stand on your tender shoulders. They were bitting our hair, chewing on our hair barretts and pecked our heads, ears and everything. I think Sonya had 3 birds at one time land on her. At one point she started scraming, get them off of me. I wish we had had a camera. She was really funny. I laughed really hard. When they landed on me I kept saying oh my, oh my, oh oh, another one is on my head. They are hard to get out of your hair too. If one had pooped on me, that is what worried me, I think I would have died, actually the bird may have died. We didn't feed all the nectar to the birds, we put the cup on the bench and left. What a weird experience. I don't think I will ever go back inside that cage, I KNOW Sonya won't. She was traumatized. Has anyone ever seen the movie BIRDS by Alfred Hitchcock? Well, that is what it felt like.

Sonya, Lura asked me to ask you about the poem you wrote about her when she got her butt cut. I can just imagine. Please post that poem when you get the chance.

Well, I started my second job tonight. The students seemed pretty good. I had 10 students and turned down 5 more. I just can't keep track of 15 students. It is hard enough with 10. Lynda was supposed to be with me but she had a doctors appointment and couldn't help tonight. I hope these students stay as calm and nice as they seemed tonight. I have 7 students scheduled for Thursday night. We'll see how that goes.

I have the perfect gift for Sonya for Christmas, a bird.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Hi everyone, I hope all is well. I had a great, long, week end. I went to our church camp, Fri night, all day Saturday, and Sunday. We had a wonderful time. I went with Ted and Joy and other memebers of our church. I really enjoyed myself. I came away feeling so blessed and wonderful. Some of it was like a revival and the rest of the time was just fun. We ate, sang songs, laughed, had a carnival, the kids got to swim, we ate, and really enjoyed ourselves. Did I mention we ate? The Boston Cream Pie was really good. I should visit Boston some time, they have good pie. I would like to thank the person that invented chocolate and custard together, genius! Then on Sunday evening I went to Cheryl's and stayed all night. On Monday afternoon we went to her dad's, my ex-husbands house. He and his wife were having a huge yardsale, I got some good bargains. I wore a cute pewter bracelet to work today with a little red heart on it. It matched my outfit just great. It was $2.00. I bought another bracelet with turquoise, and black small blocks on it, pewter also. That is for me too. I may have to go buy an outfit to match it because I really like the bracelet. I bought a lot of pens and a few things for a couple of friends. I bought the cutest cross shaped pins that were red, white and blue, ADORABLE!!! I wore one to work today also. It matched too. It was a very good week end except that I didn't get to see Sammy and Sawyer. I will see them this coming Friday night though. I am staying all night with them and we are going to the zoo on Saturday.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Busy day at Norwood High School

Hi ladies, I hope everyone is well. I have been getting a few hours overtime at work because we are swamped. It is my job to process the free and reduced applications for meals. Last year we processed about 840 applications. So far I have gotten almost 300 entered into the computer. I only have 540 to go woo hoo. No, actually I am all caught up thanks to staying later at work and working on them. So far I have processed all that we have received, but that won't last. Some families wait until the last minute to send their app in. They are due by Sept. 30th. On Sept. 29th I will probaly have to stay all night processing the other 540 applications. We have been getting some in everyday so hopefully it won't be that bad. Work is going pretty well.

I will be starting my second job on Sept. 9th. Last year I worked Tuesday and Thursday nights for just a few weeks, then went down to working just Tuesdays for cooking classes with Middle School students. I applied for an after school job for every night of the week this year. I haven't heard from the job at Williams Elementary yet. That will be my Monday, Weds. and Friday after school job if I get it. (Thursday also if I am not needed two nights a week with the Middle School students.) I will be the instructor for card making and cooking class at Williams, hopefully.

I hope you don't mind me talking about my job, I don't have kids at home like everyone else.

I have to go, I hear the garlic breadsticks calling my name. They smell great!!! Yum, yum.